Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just like spring rain

I'm nearing the end of a week and a half holed up, writing, in the front bedroom at the Michael King Writers' Centre, half way up Mt Victoria in Devonport, Auckland (yep the novel's going well, thanks for asking). Yesterday morning, I sat at the table in the kitchen eating my breakfast and looking out at the blossoms on the tree in the back yard all limpid and lovely in the spring rain, and magically Kim Hill played Spring Rain by the Go-Betweens on the radio. If you haven't seen the vid, or not for a while, have a look; makes me smile just to watch it. I want Robert Forster's striped shirt.


  1. Hello, found your blog through Indigo. I liked the 'Blind Astronomer', thanks, Sarah

  2. Hey thanks Sarah. Your blog's a thing of beauty; I just snuck a quick peek, but I will go back in the wine dark night to immerse myself in the wine dark sea properly and take it all in. Looks like you have a NZ-WA link too, like ora, Tracy

  3. Hi Tracy again! I love New Zealand, but my only real link is a good friend in Dunedin. I spent six months there in 2007 as an exchange student at Otago and after that, I am a fan. I love history, so New Zealand history (some Maori history I studied at Otago)just blows my skirts up everytime. I love Michael King's work and had just got to know his work when someone told me he'd just died in a car accident. How devastating. At the mo, i'm completing honours in history on the sealers and Aboriginal women in the 1800's and writing a fictional rendition of this. i'm gonna have a look at your links, because next year, it would be great to do another NZ exchange!
